SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ........................1
GENERAL .......................................1
INSTALLATION .................................1-7
I. Select Thermostat Location ..................1
II. Install Thermostat ..........................2
III. Set Clock ..................................2
IV. Heat Pump Configuration ....................2
V. Configure Advanced Setup ...................2
VI. Install Accessories ..........................5
VII. Program Thermostat Schedules ...............5
VIII. Calibrate Temperature Sensor ................6
IX. Light Sensor Adjustment ....................6
X. Check Thermostat Operation .................6
XI. Final Checklist .............................6
OPERATION ....................................7,8
I. Auto-Changeover ...........................7
II. Light-Activated Operation ....................7
III. Two-Stage Operation ........................7
IV. Clock Backup ..............................7
V. Fan Operation ..............................7
VI. Emergency Heat ............................7
VII. Electric Heat ...............................7
VIII. Holiday Mode ..............................7
IX. Remote Temperature Sensor .................8
X. Keypad Lock ...............................8
TROUBLESHOOTING .............................8
IMPORTANT: Read entire instructions before starting the
Read and follow manufacturer instructions carefully. Follow
all local electrical codes during installation. All wiring must
conform to local and national electrical codes. Improper wir-
ing or installation may damage thermostat.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety alert symbol
. When the safety alert symbol is present on equipment or
in the instruction manual, be alert to the potential for per-
sonal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, and CAU-
TION. These words are used with the safety alert symbol.
DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will re-
sult in severe personal injury or death. WARNING signifies
a hazard which could result in personal injury or death. CAU-
TION is used to identify unsafe practices which would result
in minor personal injury or property damage.
The 7-day, commercial, programmable thermostats are wall-
mounted, low-voltage thermostats which maintain room tem-
perature by controlling the operation of an HVAC (heating,
cooling and ventilation) system. Separate heating and cool-
ing set points and auto-changeover capability allow occupied
and unoccupied programming for energy savings.
All thermostats allow up to 4 time/temperature settings to
be programmed per 24-hour period. Each thermostat stores
programs for 7 independent days. Batteries are not required.
During power interruption the internal NEVERLOST™
memory stores programmed schedules for an unlimited time
while the clock continues to run for at least 48 hours.
The thermostat can be configured to accept several different
equipment configurations, including heat pump operation.
NOTE: The thermostat is not factory-configured for use in
heat pump applications. The advanced setup must be per-
formed to configure the thermostat for use with heat pump
A light sensor is provided on the thermostat for light activa-
tion. When the sensor detects light (the space is occupied),
the thermostat will enter Occupied 1 mode. If the room is
dark, the thermostat will follow its programmed schedule.
The thermostat should be mounted:
• approximately 5 ft from the floor
• close to or in a frequently used room, preferably on an in-
side partitioning wall
• on a section of wall without pipes or ductwork
• where temperature operating limits are within 41 to 104 F
(5 to 40 C)
• where humidity operating range is within 0 to 95% rela-
tive humidity, non-condensing
The thermostat should NOT be mounted:
• close to a window, on an outside wall, or next to a door
leading to the outside
• where exposed to direct light and heat from a lamp, the
sun, a fireplace, or any other temperature-radiating object
which may cause a false reading
• close to or in direct airflow from supply registers or return
air grilles
• in areas with poor air circulation (such as behind a door or
in an alcove)
installation, start-up
and service instructions
Cancels: New II TSTAT-9