
The benefits of Frame Relay have become apparent to thousands of business
users who demand multiple site, high speed connectivity for data networks. As
Frame Relay services continue to grow, network service providers are looking for
more efficient ways to utilize existing frame switches.
ADTRAN’s FramePort products offer high speed, high port density access to
frame relay switches. Using ADTRAN BR1/10 channel bank technology, the
FramePort interleaves bursty data traffic from many users into a single non-
channelized DS-1, increasing the efficiency of the service providers’ broadband
facilities and frame switch resources. The FramePort transforms the BR1/10
channel bank from a Time Division Multiplexer to a Frame Relay Data Multiplexer,
offering higher port density and higher subscriber line speeds over current deploy-
ment methods. By interleaving data traffic into the DS-1 on a statistical basis, the
architecture is not constrained by rate or physical slot restrictions, allowing a
single shelf to be fully populated.
The BR1/10 FramePort 768 is a single BR1/10 channel card equipped with an
SDSL interface capable of port speeds ranging from 128 kbps to 768 kbps. A single
DS1 can statistically multiplex ten users at 768 kbps each, yielding 5:1 concentra-
tion over standard time-division multiplexing techniques.
ADTRAN offers SDSL customer premise equipment (CPE) to complement the
BR1/10 FramePort 768, producing an end-to-end solution for the user demanding
high speed frame relay connectivity. Both the BR1/10 FramePort 768 and BR1/10
Dual FramePort 144 can be deployed within the same channel bank.
The FramePort series is centrally managed through ADVISION, ADTRAN’s
telco management solution running over HP OpenView or through remote Telnet
sessions, perfectly sufficient for smaller installations. Physical layer connectivity is
checked using loopback capabilities built into the FramePort products.
ADTRAN’s Frame Access product line enables frame relay service providers to
build into their network the latest SDSL and IDSL technologies so in demand by
today’s progressive business customer.
Multiplexes up to 10 SDSL
interfaces into a single DS-1
Standard ADTRAN BR1/10 form
128 kbps to 768 kbps for each
subscriber line
Automatic or provisionable
DLCI assignment
SNMP manageable
32 PVCs per port
Standard 12 kft SDSL local loop
Software upgrade via inband
Telnet or SNMP
FECN, BECN and QoS support
Built-in test capability